This isn’t in any way shape or form meant to undermine the jobs that school nurses do. At the end of the day, there are students who an ice pack is all they need for whatever is causing them pain. There are also matters where the only thing that the school nurse is allowed to give, legally is an ice pack.
Have you ever had a horrible headache so you go to the nurse and all she gives you is an ice pack? What is the reasoning behind why an ice pack is the only solution a nurse can supply for any form of pain a child displays?
Students can come into the nurse’s office with injuries ranging from a paper cut to a broken arm and what do we see time and time again; an ice pack. Injuries that are bleeding, such as paper cuts, require to be disinfected and given a bandaid. Yet, it’s believed that an ice pack will suffice. Injuries like friction burns and ones where blood flow is trying to be improved shouldn’t be given ice packs, it’s actually recommended against it.
The nurses have the required education needed to work in a school so it can’t even be excused as them not having the proper training for administering treatments. Understandably, medicine can’t be administered but giving a student a bandaid isn’t medicine.
It’s become a funny meme across social media of people doing skits of school nurses giving ice packs for injuries. The people will make it more dramatic by having the skit be where the nurse is giving a student with a broken arm, for example, an ice pack. Most find it hilarious and relatable but it begs the question as to why it’s something that seems to be a pattern through all school nurses.
Ice packs can reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation. They’re better suited for things like a sprained ankle or a strained neck. They’re not for bleeding wounds.
Envision a scenario where you’ve accidentally given yourself a paper cut and it’s bleeding. Your teacher sends you to the nurse and instead of a bandaid she gives you an ice pack. Frustrating, right?
Sometimes a person will get a headache and all they want is to lay down for a bit so it can pass and they decide to go to the nurse’s office. When they’re there, the nurse just gives them an ice pack and sends them back to class with cold hands and a pounding head.
It’s a funny story to tell but in reality, it’s frustrating to students who needed one thing and got something that won’t help them with their pressing issue.
This is meant to show how ironic it is that all school nurses carry the same mindset as if they were one. An ice pack is all that is needed and an ice pack will fix every problem a person has.
You stubbed your foot? Ice pack. Your stomach hurts? Ice pack. You got a 58 on your math test and your teacher is going to call home? Ice pack.
Never underestimate the amazing powers of an ice pack. The school nurses certainly don’t.