On Friday, February 7th, the IB Ambassadors hosted their IB Movie Night to create a sense of community among students in the IB program. The event was held in the baseball parking lot, featuring a projector setup and a wide arrangement of snacks. However, despite many RSVPs, attendance was lower than expected, with numerous guests not showing up.
This IB Social was organized by the social committee, led by senior Hannah Green. According to the IB coordinator Katelyn Uhler, the concept sprang from the committee itself. “They just had an idea to do a movie night social,” said Uhler, “ just something different that we haven’t done before. So we thought, why not try it.”
Despite the turnout being lower than expected, Uhler felt the event setup was a success. The IB Ambassadors, with assistance from JROTC, were able to successfully get the projector and sound system fully operational.
“We got a screen up,” stated Uhler, “and JROTC really helped us out big time with getting a sound system in place and getting a projector up. So I think, technically, it was a very big success.”
Attendees of the movie night expressed a range of emotions about the night. Freshman Aiko Provent Davis described the evening as both enjoyable and somewhat disappointing.
“It was a really long list of people, a really long list of people,” said Provent, “No one showed up and it was sad. I felt really bad because they had 12 boxes of pizza stacked up.”
Provent noted that the low attendance made things awkward, “The only problem there was, I think, was my group because we were really loud. I didn’t stay the whole movie because I felt really bad”
On the other hand, sophomore Sean O’Donnell had a different take, “It was a chill event. We had food, there was popcorn, and we were playing catch with a baseball.”
Likewise, freshmen Yelany Leon thought it was a relaxed occasion and something different and entertaining to do on a Friday evening. She states that, “Yeah, a lot of people were gonna go. Everyone was raving about it, oh, are you gonna go? Are you gonna go? And then no one ended up even going.”
A common complaint from the attendees was the movie choice, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. It was a movie that almost everyone had seen before, making it seemingly less exciting to attend than expressed through the student body.
Freshman Fiona Heinemann said that, “I feel like the night would be so much better if they had picked a better movie, I would actually sit down and watch it, but literally everyone had already seen it so they were just talking.”
All in all, the IB Social had its ups and downs. While the IB Social Committee successfully set up the event, the low turnout had left some students feeling disappointed. With a greater amount of student participation, these socials have the potential to become a cherished tradition within the program.