Cape Chorale presents in MPAs

Cape Coral High School’s choir will soon be participating in the Music Performance Assessments (MPA) on Monday, February 28th and Tuesday, March 1st at Fort Myers High School. MPA events are sponsored by the Florida Vocal Association (FVA) under the supervision of the Florida School Music Association (FSMA).

There are two types of MPA events at the District level: Solo & Ensemble (S&E), and Choral. A State level exists for high school events only. The purpose of MPAs is to offer a performance experience with trained adjudicators giving quality feedback based on an established rubric.

The rubric has numerous components that the scores will be formulated on. “There are three big categories the choir is graded on; Tone Quality, Technical Preparation, and Musical Effect. There is an additional evaluation of the chorus’ sight-reading of a rhythmic exercise and a melodic exercise,” stated Choir Director, Kristi Fish.

 Due to COVID-19 many restrictions have been set in place, making the learning and performing events very difficult. “COVID-19 has not only affected the MPA experience, but it has affected our entire world; especially in the music world,” stated Fish.

A lot of hard effort has been put in, but that doesn’t stop some nervous feelings about upcoming MPA’s. “Even the best choir is toeing the line of superior and excellent and if all the cards fall in just the wrong way, we could unfortunately see goods from all choirs,” stated Student Conductor, Alex Winterstein.

Choir members may be nervous, but Fish believes that her choir is prepared for what is coming. “I feel pretty confident that I have given all of my choirs all of the tools that they need to be successful. It is now on them to apply all that they have learned. I am confident that they will all do well regardless of their level,” stated Fish.

MPA’s are an outstanding learning experience. “The biggest benefit from attending MPA is the process of preparing our music. It really makes young musicians aware of the attention to detail that is expected when creating beautiful art,” said Fish.

As freshmen come into Cape High many new students are experiencing this event for the first time. “I’m confident that my choir is going to do well. We chose some beautiful songs but this is my first year so I don’t really know what to expect,” stated freshman choir member Piper Corbin.

“To me, MPA is the culmination of all the work done over the members’ times in the choir. No matter if they are an experienced senior, who has spent 4 years and every ounce of time and effort, or if they are a freshman who joined mid-year,” stated Winterstein. “It all comes down to that ten minute evaluation.”

Even with the hardships, students have been working through it all. “I am so proud of all of my students for giving it their all this year. Regardless of the scores, I am one proud director,” stated Fish.