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The Student News Site of Cape Coral High School

The Seahawk's Eye

The Student News Site of Cape Coral High School

The Seahawk's Eye

The Student News Site of Cape Coral High School

The Seahawk's Eye

A hand print represents the pride flag and those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Controversy over LGBTQ+ Poster

Melanie Pena, Former Editor-in-Chief April 26, 2021

On April 13, 2021, Lee County School Board members unassumingly took their seats prepared for what was thought to be a regular board meeting. As angry parents filled the rows and rows of seats in the...

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Parents receive phone calls during the school day, informing them to pick up their students.

Update on contact tracing: The IB junior class takes a hit

Ella Casto-Waters, Former News Editor December 17, 2020

An administrator comes to your class and collects nearly half of the students. You’re not sure what’s going on until you’re sent to the isolation room where you learn you’ve been exposed to COVID-19....

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The new principal secretary, Kim Morgan, hard at work.

New quarter brings new staff into Cape High

Alexis Klepper, Former Managing Editor November 19, 2020

Cape High is welcoming new and returning teachers this quarter: Kim Morgan, the new Principal Secretary, Sharli Schwing, a new school counselor, and Dianne Quay, a returning Business teacher. Morgan...

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The orange spot on the map is marking Lee County which has been projected to feel Eta's storms.

Hurricane Eta makes its way towards Lee County

Isadora Wallace, Former Opinions Editor November 9, 2020

In Florida, hurricanes are an inevitable part of life. The months of June to November are the duration of its Hurricane Season, with it peaking in September. Recently, there has been yet another hurricane...

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School breakfast becomes an on the go activity

School breakfast becomes an on the go activity

Abby Malloy, Former Editor in Chief November 2, 2020

Grab and Go breakfast has become the new normal for Cape Coral High School. The pandemic has caused many changes throughout the school, including how students get their meals the school typically provides...

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Students may face schedule changes if they decide to come back to school.

Students choose if they will return

Abby Malloy, Former Editor in Chief October 27, 2020

There has been a recent debate about students coming back to school from virtual learning.  Students have recently switched from home connect to face to face learning in Lee County. The final date to...

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Jazmine Fajardo, Kendall Hannan, Mia Johnson, and Carolina Espejo pictured wearing masks at school.

Parents sue the School District of Lee County over masks

Marina Passos, Former Editor in Chief October 27, 2020

Four concerned parents are suing the Lee County School Board for mandating their children wear a mask to school. Due to the Corona Virus, school policies have had to be changed this year in order to...

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Instead of honoring LGBTQ+ month, the district honors our community members with a place they can feel accepted.

The school board postpones LGBTQ+ history month

Melanie Pena, Former Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2020

Overnight, thin slips of rainbow adorned papers popped up throughout the hallways and doors of Cape Coral High School. Only two words, written in bold font, decorated the paper: safe space.  “They...

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Laplante and Mukwende will be empowering students by speaking at TEDxYouth at Cape High.

TEDxYouth set to take place at Cape High

Roan Borghi, Former Business Manager October 21, 2020

Technology. Entertainment. Design. For years, TED has been synonymous with bleeding-edge thinking and innovative technology, with millions around the world tuning in to watch and be inspired by presentations...

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The IB Ambassadors Program meets face-to-face and virtually in order to ensure a sucessful year for the club.

Cape clubs continue despite Corona

Marina Passos, Former Editor in Chief October 21, 2020

With the arrival of COVID, clubs have had to manage to find new ways to work alongside the recently changed school policies, in order to provide the students a safe, clean and fun environment here at Cape...

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Students follow contact tracing procedures by sitting in their socially distanced assigned seats and cleaning them at the end of class.

Contact tracing causes confusion

Clare McMillan, Former Editor in Chief October 20, 2020

As the end of quarter 1 approaches, it is no surprise that Covid-19 positive students and teachers at Cape High have been sent home for the mandatory fourteen day quarantine period. In addition to those...

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IB Score infographic

2020 testing scores triumph over the circumstances

Alexis Klepper, Former Managing Editor October 20, 2020

Despite numerous obstacles during the ending of the 2019-2020 school year, Cape High seniors performed exceptionally on Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) testing, with many of...

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