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The Student News Site of Cape Coral High School

The Seahawk's Eye

The Student News Site of Cape Coral High School

The Seahawk's Eye

The Student News Site of Cape Coral High School

The Seahawk's Eye

Cape welcomes Check and Connect

Cape welcomes Check and Connect

Clare McMillan, Former Editor in Chief May 18, 2020

For over 25 years, the Check and Connect program (C&C) has been helping thousands of students nationally to work towards bettering their academic lives. This past year, Cape High became the first school...

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Grab N Go services have a positive impact on students

Clare McMillan, Former Editor in Chief May 15, 2020

With the closure of schools and restaurants, it can be hard for families to access affordable food and quick meals. Since March 23rd, the school district of Lee County has been providing free meal options...

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Student gets blood drawn inside a Lee Health donation bus.

Blood drive held at Kiwanis Hall

Alexis Klepper, Former Managing Editor May 12, 2020

On Friday, May 29, the Cape Coral Kiwanis Club will be hosting a blood drive in partnership with Cape High’s Key Club from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.  In an email to Key Club members, chemistry teacher and...

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One way for students to access their registration forms is through the counseling google classroom.

Course request forms become google forms

Trinity White, Former Staff Writer May 11, 2020

Schools have been officially closed for the rest of the academic year due to COVID-19. Due to this, Cape Coral High School has moved their class registration online. The new online registration process...

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COVID-19 changes the testing scene

Hankyeol Yang, Copy Editor May 2, 2020

The end of the school year is usually a busy time for any student. However, this year, the coronavirus has caused disruptions to social gatherings, not the least of which is standardized testing. Whether...

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COVID-19: Students adjust to changes

Alexis Klepper, Former Managing Editor April 29, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has shuffled the lives of billions of people around the globe. Daily activities like going to school or work, popping into a store, visiting your grandparents, and countless others...

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News-Press Covers the Seahawk's Eye

News-Press Covers the Seahawk’s Eye

March 12, 2020

Thank you so much News-Press! Read the full article here:

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ABC News Covers Seahawk’s Eye

March 2, 2020

Thank you so much for this coverage ABC7 Southwest Florida! We appreciate you getting our voices out and including us in the commentary on potential school schedule changes.    

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Barrel of Golden Apples: Teachers at Cape High are recognized by the Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program.

Cape High teachers are the apples of our eye

Isadora Wallace, Former Opinions Editor February 28, 2020

Every year students in Lee County fill out over 6000 nomination forms to elect their favorite and most dedicated teachers to receive the Golden Apple Award.  This award is presented to teachers who have...

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A Retro Day at the Yacht Club: This image from a postcard shows some families enjoying a day at the pool.

Cape Coral celebrates a semi-centennial

William Pavela, Former Business Manager February 28, 2020

2020 is a historical year for the city of Cape Coral and Cape Coral High School. The city celebrates its 50th year, and the school turns 40 years old. The community, initially an uninhabitable swampland,...

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Chalking Up the Block: Sedona Scott and Celine Galang work on their chalk painting, along with Luke Ingraham and won first place.

Chalk Block Contest creates beauty and bonds

Roan Borghi, Former Business Manager February 28, 2020

When people hear about sidewalk chalk, the words typically evoke a quaint, nostalgic reminder of childhood, scenes of stick figure families and late-summer scrawls on driveways. What most people do not...

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Students received their awards during the ceremony.

Students STEM from Cape High to California

Alexis Klepper, Former Managing Editor February 28, 2020

This past December, Cape Coral High School hosted its annual science fair. The top three projects later advanced to the Thomas Alva Edison Regional Science Fair. Freshman Angelina Romano, Junior...

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